FAQ on Establishment matters

Frequently asked questions regarding establishment matters…

Q. What is the validity of Government cheque?
Ans. RBI cheque is valid for three months excluding the month of issue.

Q. How can Government employee can add name of spouse/children in his/her service book?
Ans.  A  Government  employee  can  add  name  of  spouse/children  by  submission  of  revised family details.

Q. Is Child Care Leave (CCL) admissible when EL is at credit of individual?
Ans. Yes

Q. What is the maximum limit of CCL?  Can it be availed in parts?
Ans. Maximum 730 days of CCL can be availed during entire service. Yes, CCL can be availed in parts.  Minimum spell should be 15 days and not more than 3 spells in a year

Q. Being a fresh appointee, how can a Government employee can apply for his  PRAN number?
Ans. A Government servant, who has joined after 01/01/2004 will have to submit prescribed application form for PRAN number along with passport photographs (in triplicate).

Q. What is the procedure for drawing pay through ECS?
Ans. An employee who wants to draw pay through ECS may submit an application along with copy of a cheque which contains Account number, MICR No and IFSC code of the bank.

Q. What is the process of payment of pension?
Ans. On retirement/death, the concerned office of the pensioner prepares case for payment of retirement benefits and forwards to PCDA(R&D) (or its sub office).  PCDA(R&D) verifies the retirement benefits and forwards the papers to PCDA(Pensions) Allahabad.  PCDA(Pensions) after verification sends a copy of Pension Payment Order to the bank/DPDO and payment of pension starts.

Q. How the pension contribution of the new entrants who joined service on or after 1.1.04 is accounted for?
Ans. PCDA(R&D) or its sub offices issues consolidated cheque for the amount deducted towards NPS and also Govt. contribution in favour of the Trustee Bank after uploading their details (e.g. PRAN No., contribution for the month based on Salary etc.) to the NSDL website.

Q. What is the procedure for payment of pay and allowances if LPC is not  received?
Ans: The pay and allowances shall be released provisionally.

Q. Is transport allowance admissible in all the cases?
Ans:  No.  Transport  allowance  is  not  admissible  to  a  person  who  has  been  provided  with Government vehicle and also to the person who remains absent for whole month.

Q. How pension and gratuity of a deceased employee are calculated?
Ans:  Pension  and  gratuity  are  calculated  on  the  basis  of  last  pay  drawn  and  length  of qualifying service.

Q. What is the maximum percentage of pension which can be commuted?
Ans: Not exceeding 40% of pension can be commuted.

Q. How many financial upgradation can be granted under MACP Scheme?
Ans: Three. There should be gap of ten years from the date of last promotion.

Q. To whom MACP is granted and under what conditions?
Ans: MACP can be granted to a person who has not been promoted during the last ten years.

Q. If a person, who has been granted MACP, gets promotion, how his pay will be fixed?
Ans: A person who has been granted MACP gets promotion his grade pay will be changed.

Q. What action is expected if an employee does not file income tax statement to his DDO?
Ans: In such cases the income tax due will be recovered by calculating on salary drawn by him.

Q. If an employee is sanctioned EOL, what will be its impact on qualifying service?
Ans: The EOL sanctioned without medical certificate will be treated as non qualifying service.

Q . If an employee remains on HPL what will be due to him on account of pay and allowances?
Ans: His pay will be calculated at half the rate.(BP+GP+DA) and HRA & TPT allowance will be calculated as per prevailing rates.

Q. If an officer desires to draw second advance for purchasing second car after clearance of first demand. How much amount he can be paid?
Ans: He can be paid Rs 1.6 lakh or 8 months pay (basic plus grade pay) or anticipated cost of the car which ever is less.


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