Promotion Vacancy Position of Group 'C' employees working in Central Government Health Scheme, Delhi as on 1.10.2012

Promotion Vacancy Position of Group 'C' employees working in Central Government Health Scheme, Delhi as on 1.10.2012

Central Government Health Scheme, under Ministry of Family Welfare has issued latest promotion vacancy position of group 'C' staff working under CGHS, Delhi. There are nearly sixty categories of employees working in CGHS, Delhi. The current position of each category and its sanctioned strength with vacant position are also highlighted...

Sl. No. Category Scale of Pay (Revised Scale) Sanctioned Strength In Position Vacant  
1 Liaison Officer 9300-34800 + GP 4200 001 Nil 001 Revival
2 Senior Refractionist 9300-34800 + GP 4200 002 Nil 002 Revival
3 Dietician 9300-34800 + GP 4200 001 Nil 001 Revival
4 Store Officer 9300-34800 + GP 4200 002 Nil 002 Revival
5 Family Welfare Extension Educator> 9300-34800 + GP 4200 001 Nil 001 Revival
6 Family Planning Welfare Worker 5200-20200 + GP 2800 001 Nil 001 Revival
7 Family Welfare Field Worker 5200-20200 + GP 2800 007 003 004 Revival
8 Laboratory Mech. 5200-20200 + GP 2800 004 Nil 004 Revival
9 Medical Social Worker 5200-20200 + GP 2800 004 Nil 004 Revival
10 Orthoptist 5200-20200 + GP 2800 002 Nil 002 Revival
11 Projectionist - Cum - Mechanic 5200-20200 + GP 2400 001 Nil 001 Revival
12 Public Health Nurse 9300-20200 + 34800 + GP 4800 002 Nil 002 Revival
13 Asstt. Nursing Superintendent 15600-39100 + GP 5400 001 001 Nil Promotional
14 Accountant (Sr.) 9300-34800 +GP 5400 003 001 002 Promotional
15 Accountant (Jr.) 5200-20200 + GP 2800 002 Nil 002 Promotional
16 Asst. Office Superintendent 5200-20200 + GP 2800 001 Nil 001 Promotional
17 Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (Sr.) 5200-20200 + GP 2400 001 001 Nil Promotional
18 Asstt. Lisaison Officer 9300-34800 + GP 4800 001 001 Nil Promotional
19 Carpenter Gr.I 5200-20200 + GP 1900 001 Nil 001 Promotional
20 Driver Gr.I 5200-20200 + GP 2800 005 002 003 Promotional
21 Dark Room Assistant 5200-20200 + GP 2000 003 003 Nil Promotional
22 Duplicating Machine Operator 5200-20200 + GP 1900 003 Nil 003 Promotional
23 E.C.G.Tech 5200-20200 + GP 2800 001 Nil 001 Promotional
24 Hindi Translator (Senior) 9300-34800 + GP 4600 001 Nil 001 Promotional
25 Hindi Translator 9300-34800 + GP 4200 001 Nil 001 Promotional
26 Laboratory Asstt.* 5200-20200 + GP 2000 005 001 004 Promotional
27 Lady Health Visitor 5200-20200 + GP 2800 019 005 014 Promotional
28 Medical Record Technician 5200-20200 + GP 2400 003 002 001 Promotional
29 Office Supdt. 9300-34800 + GP 4200 008 006 002 Promotional
30 Panchkarma Asstt. 5200-20200 + GP 2400 006 005 001 Promotional
31 Store Supdt. 9300-34800 + GP 4200 003 001 002 Promotional
32 Sister Incharge (Ayurvedic) 9300-34800 + GP 4800 002 002 Nil Promotional
33 Sister Incharge (Allopathic) 9300-34800 + GP 4200 006 002 004 Promotional
34 Stenographer (Senior) 9300-34800 + GP 4200 006 002 004 Promotional
35 U.D.C. 5200-20200 + GP 2400 062 050 012 Promotional
36 Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (Jr.) 5200-20200 + GP 2400 018 002 016 D.R.
37 Dental Tech.* 5200-20200 + GP 2400 008 005 003 D.R.
38 Dental Hygienist 5200-20200 + GP 2400 002 Nil 002 D.R.
39 Driver Gr.II 5200-20200 + GP 2400       Promotion Failing
40 Driver 5200-20200 + GP 1900 026 022 004 Which By D.R.
41 E.C.G. Tech* 5200-20200 + GP 2400 008 008 Nil D.R.
42 Lower Division Clerk* 5200-20200 + GP 1900 272 210 062 90% D.R. 5% Dept. Exam, 5% Transfer
43 Laboratory Tech* 5200-20200 + GP 2800 060 053 007 75% D.R. 25% by Promotion
44 Nurse Midwife 9300-34800 + GP 4200 039 034 005 Direct Recruitment
45 Pharmacist-cum-Clerk(Unani) 5200-20200 + GP 2800 007 005 002 Direct Recruitment
46 Pharmacist-cum-Cler(Ayurvedic) 5200-20200 + GP 2800 034 027 007 D.R.
47 Pharmacist-cum-Cler(Siddha) 5200-20200 + GP 2800 001 001 Nil D.R.
48 Pharmacist-cum-Cler(Homeo) 5200-20200 + GP 2800 021 020 001 D.R.
49 Pharmacist Gr.I* (Allopathic) 5200-20200 + GP 2800 393 321 072 D.R.
50 Refractionist* 5200-20200 + GP 2800 003 003 Nil D.R.
51 Radiographer/X-Ray Tech. 9300-34800 + GP 4800 007 007 Nil D.R.
52 Staff Nurse(Ayurvedic) 9300-34800 + GP 4600 005 003 002 D.R.
53 Staff Nurse*(Allopathic) 9300-34800 + GP 4600 174 116 058 50% D.R. and 50% Absorption from NMW
54 Stenographer (Jr.) 5200-20200 + GP 2400 005 Nil 005 D.R.
55 Operation Theatre(Technician) 9300-34800 + GP 4200 004 004 Nil D.R.
56 Operation Theatre Assistant 5200-20200 + GP 1900 008 005 003 50% D.R. and 50% Promotion
57 Yoga Instructor 5200-20200 + GP 2800 004 004 Nil Direct Recruitment
58 Nursing Assistant(Sr.)/Technician 9300-34800 + GP 4200 008 Nil 008 Filled by EMR
59 Nursing Assistant 9300-34800 + GP 4200 036 036 Nil Filled by EMR
60 Technician* (Cardiology) 5200-20200 + GP 2800 001 Nil 001 Direct Recruitment


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