Details of employees working in BSNL and MTNL

BSNL and MTNLDetails of employees working in BSNL and MTNL

The number of employees in Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) as on 30.6.2013 are as follows:


The details regarding number of employees superannuated/taken voluntary retirement and the expenditure incurred on salaries/retirement/voluntary retirement benefits during the last three years is given below:


Year No. of employees superannuated Employees taken voluntary retirement Expenditure on salary (in crore Rs.) Expenditure on retirement during the last three years (in crore Rs.)
2010-11 10361 1085 12208.70 1582.26
2011-12 10945 983 11985.15 1420.89
2012-13 12333 1285 12715.66 1182.72


Year No. of employees superannuated Employees taken voluntary retirement Expenditure other than retirement benefits (in crore Rs.) Expenditure on retirement during the last three years (in crore Rs.)
2010-11 1152 13 1699.06 347.78
2011-12 1335 21 1770.03 481.44
2012-13 1712 67 1828.92 573.25

While the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) and the senior management of BSNL and MTNL review the performance of these PSUs regularly in respect of the commitments made in annual Memorandum of Understanding signed by these PSUs with DoT, BSNL and MTNL have taken the following steps for their revival and increasing revenue and reducing their wage bills and administrative expenditure:

Steps taken by BSNL

#    Efforts to strengthen stable revenue streams through concerted focus on broadband, Next Generation Network (NGN) voice and enterprise business with major focus on Government projects.

#    Focus on the revenue of top 100 Cities for monitoring purpose.

#    More focus on customer care, service delivery, & service assurance, revenue management and maintenance of assets on decentralized basis.

#    Value based management for all investment activities thereby undertaking only those projects which adds value to the organization.

#    Progressive migration of BSNL’s current network to Next Generation Network thereby ensuring convergence, consolidation and seamless delivery of various services to end customers across different technologies.

Steps taken by MTNL

#    All exchanges have been made digital to improve service quality.

#    Rehabilitation of outdoor network is being done on continuous basis to reduce fault rate and Mean Time to Repair (MTTR).

#    MTNL reviews its tariffs for various products and services so as to make them customer friendly and to suit various segments of the society.

#    MTNL has taken measures to facilitate easy payment of telephone bills.

#    MTNL introduced a Loyalty scheme and ensure special care of corporate customers.

#    Online booking of different services and complaints for Landline, Mobile and Broadband now available.

#    MTNL organises Sanchar Haats in Delhi and Customer Service Centers (CSCs) at Mumbai, where customers can get various services like registration for new service, duplicate bills of cellular connection, bill payment, VCC (Virtual Calling Card) etc.

Government of India has constituted a Group of Ministers (GoM) on 28.05.2013 to look into the Matter of Reviving and Revitalising Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL). The GoM has been meeting to deliberate on short-term, medium term and long-term measures for revival and revitalization of BSNL and MTNL including enabling a human resource strategy to match the business environment and operational requirements.

The above details are compiled from the written answer in Parliament by the concerned minister.


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