Railway Board's Order regarding dispensation of written test for recruitment of wards under LARSGESS - RBE 72/2013.

Railway Board's Order regarding dispensation of written test for recruitment of wards under LARSGESS - RBE 72/2013.


RBE No. 72 /2013

No. E(P&A)I-2010/RT-2

New Delhi dated 23-07-2013.

The General Mangers,
All Indian Rai1ways.

Sub : Dispensation of Written Test for recruitment of wards rider LARSGESS.

The employees Federations have been demanding dispensation of Written Examination for recruitment of wards under LARSGESS for quite some time. The mater has been considered by the Board and it has been decided to dispense with Written Examination for recruitment of wards of Gangmen and the specified Safety categories ¡n GP Rs.1800/- as notified ¡n Board’s letters of even number dated 11/09/2010 and 03/01/2012 under LARSGESS. However, they will have to qualify the medical tests for the relevant category/posts, after verification of educational certificates etc. by a Committee of three JAG level officers at Divisional level.

2. These instructions are applicable from July - December 2013 retirement/recruitment cycle onwards only. The past cycles will be governed by the earlier ¡instructions.

3. The other terms and conditions of the Scheme will remain the same.

4. Kindly acknowledge receipt.

5. Hindi version will follow.

DE(P&A), Railway Board.

Source: AIRF


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