INDWF writes to OF Board regarding restructuring of Ordnance employees (Artisan staff)

INDWF writes to OF Board regarding restructuring of Ordnance employees (Artisan staff)

INDWF General Secretary Shri.R.Srinivasan writes a letter to DGOF and Chairman of Ordnance Factory Board on 5th July, 2013 regarding the implementation of four grade structure in Ordnance factories to the employees of Industrial cadre. The General Secretary insists to give clear clarification  and instructions on exemption for promotions while implementation of 4 Grade structure to all factories immediately.

The letter is reproduced and given below for your ready reference…



NIDWF/Artisan Staff/2013

Dated 5th July, 2013

DGOF and Chairman
Ordnance Factory Board,
Ayudh Bhavan,
10A, S.K.Bose Road,
Kolkatta 700 001.

Sub : Restructuring of Artisan Staff.
Ref : OFB Letter No.01/CR/Vol II/A/1/658(Pt.) dt. 14.6.2013

OF Board vide their letter quoted under reference addressed to all Sr.GMs/GMs of Ordnance and Ordnance Equipment group of Factories intimated that while implementing the 4 Grade structure in Industrial Cadre as per M of D instruction dt 14.06.2010 only one exemption for one promotion was to be given to the cadre of Industrial Employees, next promotion was to be given after duly conducting Trade Test, after the date of issue of M of D instructions and the promotions may be effected from a prospective date.

In this regard, we would like to convey that the promotions were granted based on the instructions of M of D letter dated 14.6.2010 granting one time exemption but in some Factories, based on the Trade Test conducted where vacancies exists, have been granted promotions by many Factories.

At this belated stage giving clarification and instructing the factories to dispense with the promotions and any action taken to reverse will lead to unrest and it would be better to regularise the promotions as they were already placed.

Kindly review your letter dated 14.6.2013.

Yours Sincerely,
General Secretary

Source :


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