Software as a Service (SaaS) - Cloud Services Computing

Cloud Services Computing - Software as a Service (SaaS)

The Minister of State for Communications and Information Technology said that cloud based Services present an opportunity for opening of new avenues to Organizations to offer a variety of services like Software as a Service (SaaS).

Remote application hosting Services such infrastructure as a Service (laaS) and Platform as Service (PaaS). It also promises to change the way Government and Industry use this technology to its benefit for effective implementation of E-Governance initiative and IT enabled services sectors. It is envisaged that the Cloud computing will also offer larger benefits to education and health sector.

The cloud based science models can be deployed in a number of ways through private sources, community, public and in hybrid manner. However, there are challenges in implementation of Cloud Services in respect of infrastructure, security and privacy of information.

Considering the potential offered by the Cloud Computing both with respect to business, social benefits and also leapfrogging opportunities to-Governance in the country, a framework and an action plan for enabling and promotion of the Cloud services in collaboration with industry and academia is needed. The framework includes policies particularly with respect to security, privacy and regulatory, infrastructure requirements, legal (Cloud / Data Sovereignty) etc. in comprehensive and integrated manner.

Action has been initiated by Government in this regard. The framework will enable investment in Cloud Services by private and public sector. Industry and academia will be (he key stakeholders. Both Central and State Governments are in the process of establishing Clouds for offering E-Governance Services including proof of concept in four States to test and validate the functionality.


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