Recommendations of the Cadre Restructuring Committee on Central Secretariat Service (CSS)

Recommendations of the Cadre Restructuring Committee on Central Secretariat Service (CSS)

The gist of recommendations of the Cadre Restructuring Committee on Central Secretariat Service (CSS)

i. Increase in the number of posts in the grades of Section Officer (SO), Under Secretary (US) and Deputy Secretary (DS)
Grade Addl. Posts recommended
SO 463
U S232
DS 75*
* 75 posts each in Central Secretariat Service and Central Staffing Scheme has been recommended.
ii. Re-introduction of Direct Recruitment in the grade of Lower Division Clerk (LDC) Recommended in a limited manner restricted to an annual intake of 250 till a sustainable number of 2000 LDCs is reached over a period of years.
iii. Direct Recruitment (DR) element in Assistant Grade Recommended to change the recruitment ratio in the Assistant grade from the existing 75 : 15 : 10 (DR : Seniority Quota(SQ): Limited Departmental Competitive Examination(LDCE) to 60 : 20 : 20 (DR: SQ: Examination).
iv. Creation/allocation of additional posts On the recommendations of another Committee consisting of Joint Secretary (Pers), Department of Expenditure and Joint Secretary (AT&A), Department of Personnel & Training
v. Operating reserves in CSS Change in reserves to 8% of SO and above level posts from 24% of US and above levels. Reserves to be operated in the Assistant grade.
vi. Introducing customized courses for fast track career progression in CSS and Central Secretariat Clerical Service In place of the existing Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) conducted through Staff Selection Commission/Union Public Service Commission up to SO level.

Customized courses to be conducted through Indira Gandhi National Open University for promotion upto US level.  The courses will lead to BA & MA degrees.
vii. Lateral Entry of Central Secretariat Stenographers’ Service (CSSS) Officers in CSS at SO level Graduate Steno Grade ‘C’/Personal Assistant with 5 years’ approved service may compete with Assistants to qualify the customized course for fast track career progression under 25% of vacancies arising in the SO grade.
viii. Liberalizing deputation guidelines to CSS Officers for deputation to Central Autonomous Bodies (CABs). Provisions as available in Rule 6(2) of IAS (Cadre) Rules, 1954 for deputation may be made in CSS Rules with similar conditions.
Deputation to CABs be allowed in relaxation or by making an exception to D/o P&PW’s instruction on immediate absorption.
Deputation may be allowed upto 58 years of age, if the deputation organization is willing to take officers on deputation upto to this age.
ix. Encadrement of posts in Central Autonomous Bodies etc. in CSS. Posts of generalist nature in the Central Autonomous Bodies may be encadred in CSS at DS/Dir levels on the recommendations of Ministry/ Department concerned. Ministries / Departments be asked to identify such posts in CABs under their administrative control for encadrement in CSS.
x. Encadrement of posts in CSS at JS level Posts at JS level in organizations outside Central Secretariat including attached/ subordinate offices could be encadred in CSS, on the proposals made by the Ministry/ Department concerned.
Such encadred posts would be in addition to the limit of 40 for JS(in-situ).
xi. Residency for promotion to Dir Grade For promotion from DS to Director grade the eligibility condition be modified as under: “5 years approved service, failing which a combined approved service of 10 years in the grades of US and DS with not less than three years regular service in the grade of DS”
xii. Rotational Transfer Policy Change in maximum tenure recommended upto US level.
xiii. Training of promottee Upper Division Clerks and promotee Assistants Ministries/ Departments should conduct periodic training programmes in the core areas allocated to them and in noting and drafting.
xiv. Re-introduction of Direct Recruitment in SO Grade Not recommended
xv. Increasing the number of post of Assistant Not recommended
xvi. Increasing number of JS (in-situ) Not recommended
xvii. Change in residency for promotion upto DS grade Not recommended
xviii. Time scale/personal upgradation of USs of CSS Not recommended
xix. Non-Functional Selection Grade to CSS Officers Not recommended
xx. In-situ promotion Not recommended




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